The Taran Conspiracy – 97

‘I’ll just have to risk it!’ he said shortly. He snapped two switches down, pulled back a great lever, and pulled urgently at the strange circular device the Guardian had placed on the console. To his intense relief, it came away easily. The lights of the console dimmed as the power drained away. He smiled in relief.

‘Well!’ he said, ‘That seems to have done it!’

A ragged cry arose from the gathered crowd. The Queen beamed widest of all.

‘My dear Doctor! I owe you so much! You have not only saved my throne, but my whole realm! Whatever you ask is yours!’

Lunden added cheerfully from the back ‘We have got your blue box back from Grendell’s dungeons, just as you asked.’

The Doctor looked thoughtfully at the device he had just picked up. Just as he hoped, he would have time to explore the device, and perhaps get his TARDIS working permanently.

‘I have all I need,’ he said lightly. ‘This is a molecular suppression transmitter, and if Ludwig permits, I will use these laboratories to get my ship working again.’

Ludwig nodded dully. ‘It will redeem our name a little, even there can be no redeeming of the title Duke Grendell.’

Smiling broadly, the Doctor said, ‘Then I do believe that all’s well that ends well. You’ll need to dispose of the pestilence of course.’

‘I may as well do something useful,’ said the Brigadier sourly, ‘If we’re going to be stuck here while you fix your wretched box.’

He advanced towards the vial containing the pestilence, when there was a sudden pop, a deep grunt from the Brigadier, and the sound of him crumpling to the floor. White faced and wan, the Doctor ran to his friend, then looked at the pestilence vial and gave a sudden exclamation.

‘A secondary compartment!’ he hissed, ‘Containing some sort of toxin to be released if the main mechanism fails.’

The Brigadier’s face was contorted in agony, dripping with sweat. Whatever toxin had been in the cannister, it was acting rapidly and draining the Brigadier of his vitality. The Doctor could see the man’s teeth clenched in grim determination, and knew it was only the steel of his character that was keeping him alive.

‘Lethbridge Stewart!’ the Doctor demanded, ‘Listen to me! Stay with me! You can beat this!’

The Doctor stood up, and rounded on Ludwig.

‘Do you swear on your oath as a noble of Tara, that you have indeed turned from wrong to right and forsaken your father’s ways?’

Ludwig blinked in astonishment, and said with only a slight stammer, ‘Y-yes! Of course!’

‘Good,’ said the Doctor firmly, ‘Then I need you to tell me everything you can about this poison, or so help me I will have Queen Shuzaan reduce you to the lowest serf that ever tilled your fields.’

Ludwig mouthed wordlessly, then answered ‘There is a vicious reptile not far from these lands.  The venom of this beast is much feared, and my father succeeded in securing some of it, intending to use it as a weapon.’

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