41 – The Masque of Mandragora

While we await the thrilling results of my missing episodes fan survey, I return to my count-down through the classic run of Doctor Who. I have to remind myself after recent longish posts that this was originally meant to be 10 minutes of writing every day … (ooops!)

The Masque of Mandragora was rather high on my list of stories I wanted to watch, mostly as the story in which the wooden ‘secondary’ TARDIS console room was introduced. Maybe it’s just me … but I quite liked this console, which only appeared in Tom Baker’s third season after the wood warped in storage between seasons, leading Leela to observe in The Invisible Enemy that ‘it had changed.’

The story therefore begins with the Doctor and Sarah discovering the second console room while having an explore around the TARDIS, only to be pulled off course by a mysterious energy source known as the Mandragora Helix, which draws them to Renaissance Italy. Mandragora purposes to use a local black magic coven to dominate the Earth as a new religion, using its power to overcome opposition. All of which leaves some wonderful ingredients for a classic Doctor Who adventure – the wonderful juxtaposition of what appears to be magic, which is in fact superior science; and some wonderful period drama in that evocative and dangerous transition era between the Dark Ages and the Enlightenment.

I confess to being a little downhearted when I first watched the serial on youtube (note the recurring theme of enjoyment being shaped by expectations!), but was pleasantly surprised when I came fresh to the serial on DVD. I think the highest compliment I can pay The Masque of Mandragora is that my wife enjoyed watching it – and she famously does not enjoy classic Doctor Who! All of which shows that this story enjoys both complexity of detail and engagement, and also a simple narrative that draws the viewer in. The characters are also extremely enjoyable to watch – Baker and Sladen are deservedly one of the best TARDIS teams ever, and fully on song in this adventure, but the supporting cast are an equal delight – whether the villainous and Machiavellian Count Federico; his double-crossing astrologer Hieronymous, to the scientifically minded Giuliano and his friend Marco.

This adventure would not be at all out of place in the modern era, and strongly influenced stories like The Vampires of Venice. It would be an excellent starting point for any fan of Nu Who seeking to acquaint themselves with the classic era.