Fan Survey: Should the BBC colourise Black & White Doctor Who?

The debate about colourising episodes of Doctor Who originally broadcast in black and white is not new. Techniques for adding colour to black and white footage have been around for decades and used with varying degrees of success, most often for commercially lucrative projects such as Laurel and Hardy movies. To date, the debate has been slightly irrelevant for Doctor Who, as the cost has been so extravagant that it has only just been viable for episodes missing their original colour episodes, such as the Mind of Evil. That however, may be about to change.

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The #missingepisodes reviews: The Ice Warriors

Part of the way through re-posting my old reviews, I realised that I hadn’t reviewed several stories that I had watched on DVD, but hadn’t included on my original countdown. Having hastily written a review for one, The Reign of Terror, I now follow suit for Season 5 adventure The Ice Warriors, debut story for the titular alien race from Mars. As with The Reign of Terror, I had held off buying the DVD in the confident expectation that the entirety of Season 5 had been found as part of the omnirumour. When I eventually accepted that returns were not coming any time soon, I decided to not let best be the enemy of good and invested in the reconstructed adventure.

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The #missingepisodes reviews: The Macra Terror

I was absolutely delighted when the worst-kept secret in the Doctor Who world was confirmed – that BBC Worldwide were preparing to release an animated version of The Macra Terror. Three years ago I wrote a review of the audio soundtrack of the episodes ahead of the release of The Power of the Daleks animation, in which I articulated my view that it wasn’t really possible to enjoy the story without visual references. I was therefore very interested to see if these new animations would give me a fresh appreciation of this lost adventure.

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